These hearing aid accessories will allow you to customize and enhance your hearing experience.

Discreet control in the palm of your hand. The ideal solution for anyone who wants discreet, convenient control of their hearing aids without the need for a large remote control or smartphone. Reliable and easy to use, the miniPocket™ is small enough to carry on a key ring yet powerful enough to control all essential features.

Streamers and Remote Mics
Streamers let you enjoy watching TV with your family and friends again. Streamers allow you to stream crystal-clear stereo sound from the television directly to your ears.
Cut through unwanted noise and enjoy improved speech understanding by using a remote microphone with your hearing aids.

Phone Apps
Turn your smartphone into a discreet remote control for your hearing aids; Phone Apps let you enjoy a high level of handling comfort right at your fingertips.
The right accessories can make the functions of your hearing instruments more accessible, giving you the confidence that comes with convenient control. Imagine how freeing it would be to discreetly switch programs or change volume levels by simply tapping your smartphone, to give a microphone to a speaker so that you can hear every word, loud and clear.